Citywide Campaign Promotes Safe Use of Fireworks, Urging Citizens to Celebrate Responsibly

Citywide Campaign Promotes Safe Use of Fireworks, Urging Citizens to Celebrate Responsibly

01 Jan 1970

In recent years, with the increasing popularity and use of fireworks, safety issues related to fireworks have attracted the attention of the general public. In order to raise public awareness of the safe use of fireworks and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, our city has decided to launch a campaign promoting the safe use of fireworks. 
The purpose of this campaign is to educate the public about the correct methods of using fireworks and safety knowledge. During the campaign, promotional display boards will be set up in various community centers, schools, parks, and other public places in the city. Promotional videos will be played, and brochures will be distributed. Additionally, professionals will be invited to provide on-site explanations and answer questions from the public regarding the use of fireworks. 
The key points of the campaign include selecting safe firing locations, adhering to designated firing times and legal regulations, prioritizing personal safety, using dedicated tools, and preparing fire prevention measures. Through these promotional measures, it is hoped that the public will enhance their understanding of the safe use of fireworks and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents. 
Furthermore, the campaign also calls for civilized fireworks displays by the public. Citizens should respect the interests of the community and neighbors, avoiding firing fireworks in densely populated areas or near flammable materials. Additionally, it is important to adhere to designated firing times and refrain from igniting fireworks in prohibited areas or during restricted hours. Only through civilized displays can the safety of citizens and the harmony of society be ensured. 
Through this campaign promoting the safe use of fireworks, we hope to raise public awareness of fireworks safety, reduce the occurrence of fire accidents, and enable everyone to enjoy the beauty of fireworks safely and responsibly.

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